GoSun Suits Our Cooking Style!

A problem with our cooking has always been things being put on the stove or in the oven and forgotten. There’s a household joke that our family’s favourite flavour is burnt.

We’d heard that the GoSun ovens don’t do that favourite flavour. Today we put it to the test.

My instructions were to peel the two sweet potatoes, dice them up, coat them with the stuff in the little container in the spice cupboard, and put them in the GoSun. I hoped this was the right container.

Here it is ready to go. (A bit more than one good sized sweet potato in the tray. The rest had to wait.)

Popped it into the GoSun, and we went to the Village Classic Car Show and Chilliwack Farmers Market!

I was tickled to see an AMC Pacer at the car show! My parents had a red one when I was a teen with a drivers licence and no sense of mortality. It was a hideous car. Heavy, under powered, brakes that would fade, suspension that wallowed in the corners. Mind you, it was probably fine when mom drove it, because she would drive like a mom. A responsible mom. I thought it was just the worst. But still have kind of a fondness for them. If I had money to waste I’d like to get one and paint it to look like a frog.

The car show was great and so was the Farmers Market. Special treat today was the Mainland Whisky booth giving out samples. So good! And just the thing on an empty stomach. 😀

Tried the Time Machine and the Coffee Whisky. It was a tough choice. Time Machine was super interesting and really good, but I bought a bottle of the sweeter Coffee Whisky before wobbling off to see the rest of the market.

Loaded up with a market bag full of fresh veggies, we headed back to the sweet potatoes in the GoSun.

We’d been out for hours, bypassed the long line ups at the food trucks, and came home hungry to enjoy a beautifully cooked treat!

No burnt! Some were just a bit crisp on the outside, but pleasantly so. You’d think it was cooked by someone who knew what they were doing, rather than being just stuck in an oven and forgotten for hours.

Googling sweet potato and yam recipes for the GoSun Sport it looks like people generally cook them 35 minutes, so we could have eaten these hours before we did, had we happened to come home earlier. But either way, it doesn’t matter! The GoSun doesn’t doesn’t burn food and doesn’t waste energy!

With just a little time left before our balcony would be in shade, we threw another tray of sweet potato into the GoSun. Regretting now that I didn’t time it, but it couldn’t have been much more than half an hour before the balcony was in full shade and I brought the GoSun in. It’ll hold heat a long time so I was going to just let it sit while the residual heat continued to cook. But waiting was overruled so we pulled the tray out right away. Once again, delicious, beautifully cooked sweet potato!

This batch didn’t have that bit of crispness the first batch had and that I quite liked. But they’re thoroughly cooked and very tasty!

The GoSun website says 2 to 3 meals per load for this unit. As we were preparing these today I joked that you can see why the guy in the GoSun commercials looks pretty lean. If you like bigger portions you might want to go with the larger GoSun Fusion. Definitely if you regularly cook for more than two. But for ease of carrying around, and the fact that the Sport cooks faster than the Fusion, I think we made the right choice for us with this one. Down the road maybe we’ll get another one? Or a Fusion, to have more solar cooking capacity if we had guests or wanted leftovers for the next day.

But for now I’d call today’s cooking adventure a success, and I’m really happy on this first day of our first heatwave of the year to be able to cook without the heat of the stove or oven indoors!

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